Every one wants their dumpster rental as cheap as possible. We at Dumpster Rental Pros want to make sure you understand how to make that happen. It is important to understand how your dumpster rental provider bills for their dumpsters. When it comes to pricing for your dumpster rental it really depends on where you live or where you will be calling for your dumpster rental. Pricing in Salt Lake City greatly differs from the pricing you would have in Seattle, or Dallas. Pricing is up to each individual affiliate. So when you call your local dumpster provider be specific.

Dumpster Rental Pros Pricing Goals!

At Dumpster Rental Pros we want to be the leader when it comes to giving you honest, reliable, and best service for the best price possible. We do not set the pricing for our contractors. We simply look for and recruit those dumpster rental providers that have the same goals and values that we are looking for. We are continually looking for the dumpster affiliate that will best take care of our customers, and that also means pricing.

Just Call For Pricing! Local Is Cheaper!

All dumpster rental providers are responsible for the pricing that they quote you over the phone. Once you call, we recommend you are very specific with your dumpster provider about your needs. Each size dumpster comes with a different price attached to it, so before you call for pricing keep in mind the size of you project. This will help you save money on your rental, and not have wasted space in your dumpster that your paying for.

How Dumpster Pricing Works #1

Pricing for your dumpster is going to depend on a lot of different things. Lets say for example you call for a 20yd dumpster for your junk removal project. Most affiliate use two method of pricing. The first is to give you a price of $250 for example an that will cover your rental and maybe 2 to 3 tons of junk. Now if you go over the allowed amount for your tonage they will charge you an amount for each additional ton, $35 for example. So if you rent a 20yd dumpster for $250 dollars and your allowed tonage is 3 tons, but you have 4 tons, your total invoice would be $285.

How Dumpster Pricing Works #2

The second method that most dumpster rental providers us is to give you a set price for your dumpster rental, $120 for example. This price only covers the cost of the dumpster rental it does not cover any weight. Then you will be charged only for the amount of weight, or tons, you put into the dumpster, $35 dollars a ton for example. Now if you order this dumpster it would work like this. $120 for your rental plus 3 tons of junk at $35 dollars a ton adds $105 for your weight with a total of $225 dollars for you dumpster.

Pricing for Concrete Dumpster Rental!

Most of the time concrete dumpster rentals are set at a standard flat price. So no matter what the weight is you will only pay the flat fee. This fee will paid for everytime you have your concrete dumpster dumped.

The Long Term Dumpster Rental!

These can be kind of tricky, so you need to make sure that if you are planning on keeping a dumpster for a long period of time without dumping it, that you are on the some page with dumpster rental affiliate. Some dumpster rentals will charge a daily fee if you keep your dumpster past a agreed upon number of days.

10 yard dumpster rental 15 yard dumpster rental 20 yard dumpster rental 30 yard dumpster rental